I was recently working on a friends 1&1 server installing one of my plugins that is compiled and requires the ionCube Shared Object. 1&1 doesn’t offer servers with the ionCube Loader already configured, I read somewhere that any server worth using would have the Loader already installer, of which I completely agree with.
After trying a few things out I figured out how to get it to stop throwing errors, and more importantly to work.
A majority of the install can be found in the upcoming link, however there is one part that is not covered and that is when you are using WordPress, so follow the direction in the link and then come back read the rest here. Link
Now copy the php.ini file that you created in the above, or from running the loader-wizard.php and paste it in your wp-admin, and wp-includes folders.
Yes that is all you have to do to get it to work.
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